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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3

Dinosaur Discoveries


Like the rest of KS2, Team 6 are also exploring dinosaurs however, I can’t at this stage tell you how they’ll be learning about aspects of the Topic because the Team haven’t told me!  After our special visitor during the first week, the Team may have some more questions surrounding different aspects that they’d like to find answers to.  Once they have these questions, they will then have to consider how they’d like to find the answers and how to present their learning.  


In Science, we will be ‘Dinosaur Hunters’, exploring questions such as: ‘What can we learn from dinosaur poo?’ and ‘What were dinosaur habitats like?’  We will also be looking closely at the different features of dinosaurs so that we can classify them.  We will use the style of Andy Warhol’s Pop Art portraits to create our own pieces depicting our chosen class dinosaur (don’t know it yet because the Team haven’t chosen and voted).  In Literacy, we will be writing balanced arguments/discussions surrounding the theories of their extinction followed by flashbacks, which will take us back to the Mesozoic Era…


In Maths, we will be covering many concepts.  For example: Data Handling (Statistics), Geometry (Properties of Shape), Number and Place Value and Measurement.  Our weekly Target Maths sessions will focus on using written methods for either multiplication or subtraction as well as improving our personal bests in our rapid recall of multiplication and associated division facts.


Later in the term, we will begin a mini R.E. project, exploring the meanings of some stories within the Bible, considering the place and use of the Bible within Christian communities and reflecting on our thoughts regarding how other religions may use these stories.


P.E. continues to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays so please ensure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school at all times. 


Here’s to another action-packed term!


Mrs Schofield and Mrs Fry.

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