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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3 Information

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and a big warm welcome to Term 3!
We are delighted with the children’s progress within the prime and specific areas of learning and continue to assess their development.  Within literacy we are blending sounds and using our phonic knowledge to help read and write simple regular words.  Fred is now going to give us the RWI Set 2 sounds and we continue to learn some of those naughty ‘red’ words.  Listening to stories and comprehension, as always, features highly on our agenda. We are now becoming familiar with numbers to 20 - estimating, ordinal numbers and simple addition will form part of our maths focus. Taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch will introduce us to various ways of recording data such as tally charts and graphs. 2d and 3d shapes will help us to build models and create patterns.


The children have chosen ‘Superheroes’ as a vehicle for our learning this term and we shall examine how WE can make our bodies and brains supersonic.  We shall try Spiderman Gymnastics in PE with the BIG equipment (continuing on a Friday morning – bare feet again this term to aid balance - no plimsolls required yet) and consider what would Superman have for breakfast to give him all that energy? The children will be designing their own Superhero and constructing a Superhero Base.  I am sure our imaginations will run riot as we try to differentiate between fact and fiction!  


Access to outdoor learning is always a priority therefore children need warm coats, hats, gloves and wellies please.  No scarves thank you.


Responsibility is our learning behaviour focus for the term; we will be looking after ourselves, our friends and our environment/resources.


With all this in store, I am sure this term will fly just as quickly as the others! 

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