Term 4 Scarecrow's Warning
Brilliant Beginning – Term 4
Scarecrow’s Warning
How do you stay safe?
Have a think about the different rules you know to keep you safe. This could be anything from being outside, to using different equipment to behaving in certain situations.
Can you list two rules that are designed to keep you safe? Bring these in ready for Monday 19th February.
Welcome back to Term 4.
I have a great topic lined up for Class 2 this term which will focus on being safe in all aspects of life. We shall be learning to use our resourceful skills to take ownership of our learning and behaviour in order to keep safe, investigating how authors use morals in stories to teach children ways of staying safe and about what the internet is before learning how to stay safe on it. It is going to be a busy few weeks. PE stays on Mondays and Fridays. Maths homework is due every Monday and spellings are due every Friday.
Any problems do pop in
Mrs Glassford