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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 5 Information

Term 5

Lots to look forward to this term!  We are entrepreneurs – selling the eggs we collect from our chickens to buy ourselves something wonderful from the proceeds (we have yet to decide what….. that will come later!!) Lots of mathematical opportunities there!  We have also set up the incubator with fertilised eggs that we hope will hatch in a few weeks’ time. We have planted potatoes, hopefully to harvest before the end of the year, together with wheat and sunflowers to pass onto next year’s Foundation children.  We will also be monitoring our newly hatched tadpoles and, of course, Maya and 33! (Ken Davies, Education Officer for the Rutland Osprey Project is coming in to talk to us this week!!) On top of all this, the children have chosen to investigate ‘Space’ and we are very excited to be using this as a vehicle for some of our learning.  We hope to visit the National Space Centre in Leicester on Wednesday 25th April, together with our EYFS friends from St Nicholas School, to enhance our understanding!

We have another few treats in store such as a visit to Uppingham Theatre to see ‘Sarah and Ducks Big Top Birthday’ on Thursday 10th May with the Year 1 children and a Forest School afternoon on Tuesday 24th April (postponed from last term).

Being responsible is our behaviour focus for this term, we will be looking after ourselves, our friends, our animals, our environment and resources.  

If we are very lucky the weather may warm up so if the temperatures start to rise, please make sure children have sunhats and sun cream (the type you only apply once is handy!) applied in the morning before school.  Extra drinks bottles can be left in the snack basket to be available at any time.  PE will be outside this term so can children please have well-fitting plimsolls or trainers at all times in their lockers – thank you! 

We will be providing a multitude of purposeful opportunities inside and out to allow the children to practise their targets (discussed at our Parents Consultation meetings) and show us their progress towards/into the Early Learning Goals.  We have put a ‘Learning Characteristics’ sheet in your Learning Log so you can contribute any home observations of your child, if you would like to, which will feed into our assessments – thank you! 

Keep up the good work with the reading and sounds practice – we can really see a difference in school!

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