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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Termly Project

Merry December!


As you know, Class 4 have decided not to send Christmas Cards to each other this year in our drive to save the planet.  For our 'project' this term, when they open their Advent calendar in the morning, I would like them to think about how they plan to 'share the joy of Christmas' with others that day.  It might be a smile, a kind word, help with a job at home, a cuddle on the sofa, sharing a story with a sibling... Could they (or you) let me know what they have decided via DOJO? I am hoping to be bombarded with joyful DOJO 'shares' daily!  We can then share each others ideas and look out for these random acts of kindness.  


On the afternoon of the 16th December, we are going to 'Share the Love' with each other in class 4.  Some of the children have been thinking of Christmas card alternatives for their classmates - making them laugh by sharing some cracker jokes, letting each other know how important we are to each other, get those thinking caps on.  It can be as simple and as joyful as just wishing the class a Merry Christmas...


Mrs Wx


Mrs Wx

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