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Whissendine CE Primary School

Year 4

Remote Learning for Term 5 can be found by following Children > Remote Learning from the tabs above.

Remote Learning

Welcome to Class 4. 


We will be learning about King Richard III in T5  but not before we look back to the Romans in T1 however and see the impact the Roman Empire had on our tiny island asking, and hopefully answering, the question "What did the Romans ever do for us?"


In geography, we will look at the continents of the world in T6 but will start closer to home with a comparison of two very different European countries.  Science will include animals and their habitats, sound, electricity and the water cycle.  Sikhism, sculpture, music, PE and a theatre trip in preparation for our own performance!  I didn't think that life in Y3 could be any better, but I think that life in Y4, with the best class in the world, is going to top it!


Homework and Routines (not much has changed!):


Spelling homework is over a fortnight and focuses on learning the spelling rule, so that it can be applied, rather than the set words.  Twelve spellings, linked to the new spelling rule, will be handed out on a Monday.  During the course of the first week the children are expected to practice daily and will be tested, at the end of the week, on a combination of these words and others that follow the rule.  The second week of spellings is an opportunity for the children to further practice by writing sentences that include the 12 set words.  Another test will take place at the end of the second week.


As well as the spelling 'rule', the children will also be given 3 'High Frequency' words.  These are the words that, often, don't follow a rule but that we just need to know how to spell.  These should be included in the sentences that are written for the 'rule words', they don't need a separate sentence of their own, and will be tested. 


Maths homework, either giving an opportunity to embed learning that has taken place during the week or preparing the children for new learning, will be set on Tuesday and will be collected in the following Monday.


PE lessons with Ms Ranson happen on Monday afternoon and with myself on Thursday afternoon - please make sure that PE kits are in lockers at all times.




Last year, as they moved into KS2, the children grew in independence before our very eyes.  We appreciate your continued support in encouraging this further by allowing the children to take responsibility for getting their homework into school when it is due, making sure that their PE kit is in their locker, taking care of their own belongings and delivering messages to me.


If you need me for anything, please either contact the office, who will pass on a message, or send me a message on DOJO and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  Can I remind you that notification of absence or a change in who will collect your child, needs to go directly to the office.  We cannot let children go home with someone other than you unless that message has been given to the office.  We will not take the children's word for it and will need to contact you for confirmation before we let them go.


Lastly, please don't forget that we have moved and therefore, the children will be released, at the end of the day, onto the playground rather than at the foot of the stairs outside the office.  The classroom has been painted over the holidays (thank you Luke) and is looking very smart for our return.


Mrs Wx

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