Week 12 29/06
- Adverbs Session 2.pdf
- Answer Sheet - Recognise and Describe 3D Shapes.pdf
- Answer sheet Recognise and Describe 2D Shapes.pdf
- Answers - Draw Accurately.pdf
- Answers - Telling the Time to 5 Minutes.pdf
- Editing and Writing Instructions.pdf
- Horizontal Format - Draw Accurately.pdf
- Horizontal Format - Recognise and Describe 3D Shapes.pdf
- Horizontal Format - Telling the Time to 5 Minutes.pdf
- Horizontal format Recognise and Describe 2D Shapes.pdf
- Individual Liberty.pdf
- Lesson 1 - Draw accurately.pdf
- Lesson 1 Answers - Draw accurately.pdf
- Lesson 2 - Recognise and describe 2D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 2 Answers - Recognise and describe 2D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 3 - Recognise and describe 3D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 3 Answers - Recognise and describe 3D shapes.pdf
- Lesson 4 - Telling the time to 5 minutes.pdf
- Lesson 4 Answers - Telling the time to 5 minutes.pdf
- Responding to feedback.pdf
- The Tinderbox Comp.pdf
- 17. Homophones.pdf