Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
I have a fun year planned with lots of exciting topics, trips and new learning. I will try ensure information goes on to Class Dojo, of what we are up to, each day. Homework, photographs and learning information will all be on here under the relevant term.
Every Tuesday I will set a maths homework task which is to be handed in the following Monday. The tasks will generally be something we have completed in class and I want the children to continue to practise. From time to time it may be an activity to revise learning from Year 1. I will upload a copy of the homework every week to the website in case anybody looses their paper copy.
Spellings will be on a two week plan. The first Monday we learn the new rule and the children will receive their list of spellings to practise and learn at home. Spelling books then on into school on a Friday to be checked and will be sent out again ready for the children to practise the same set of words but put each one into a sentence. Again all spellings will be uploaded onto the website incase anybody needs a second copy.
Please could the children have their kit in school at all times as with the weather heading into the winter plans do change. Mr Eshleby will be teaching PE on a Monday afternoon and I shall be teaching PE on a Friday morning.
Any problems please pop in or contact me via Class Dojo.
I'm looking forward to a great year
Mrs Glassford