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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!

I am so glad to welcome you to my class.  Make sure that you are signed up to Class DOJO so that I can keep you updated on all news, events and learning that is taking place - blink and you might miss something! 


Spellings work on a two week program and are handed out on a Monday and then tested over the following two Fridays.  Outdoor games is with Mr Eshelby on Thursday mornings and indoor PE on Tuesday afternoon (don't forget to remove those earrings and wear plimsolls if you have a verruca!). 


Anything else you need to know, just shout!  I'm here if you need me!


Mrs White

Y3 Curriculum Offer

Our Class Brochure

Contact Details and Useful Links
